Kaubojski film

Pre petnaestak godina, tokom jedne od onih noći kakve svako od nas priželjkuje, Šef i ja smo se, sedeći u mojoj sobi, upuštali u opake razgovore. Pijuckali smo dobro vino, pušili k’o smukovi, a muzika nam je bila samo zvučna kulisa. Sve dok, u gluvo doba noći, nisam potegao album Davida Crosbyja If I Could Only Remember My Name (1971).

Posle toga smo samo ćutali, svako sa svojim mislima. Thinking smile

Kada su ovakvi albumi u pitanju, a nema sumnje da je on jedan od onih koje bih poneo na pusto ostrvo, nema se mnogo šta objašnjavati. Nastao je u periodu kada su CSNY počeli da se međusobno koškaju posle neverovatnog uspeha njihovog zajedničkog čeda “Déjà Vu“, što je rezultiralo privremenom obustavom njihove saradnje. Svaki od članova četvorke je tada objavio uspešan solistički album (osim pomenutog, objavljeni su i Stephen Stills, Songs for Beginners i After the Gold Rush), pokazujući kakva su mu trenutna interesovanja. Money

If I could...Ko zna šta se u tom trenutku Crosbyju motalo po glavi: već sam u ranijim tekstovima pominjao da je godinama unazad bio na neprekidnom “tripu”. Rezultat tih tripova je bio spektakularan. Potpomognut prijateljima koje je nazvao The Great Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra (Jerry Garcia, Phil Lesh, Micky Hart, Billy Kreutzman, Paul Kantner, Grace Slick, Jack Casady, David Freiburg, Joni Mitchell, Graham Nash, Neil Young…) otvorio je dušu. Slušanje ovoga albuma je neka vrsta transcedentalnog putovanja posle kojeg se, na kraju tunela, naslućuje kraj jedne od najkreativnijih muzičkih epoha. Peace

Pesma “Cowboy Movie” je zabavna i autobiografska, u kojoj Crosby prepričava događaje koji su doveli do privremenog raspada CSNY. I, kao u svakom filmu, da bi bilo jasno o čemu se radi, potrebno je da znamo ko su likovi (Stills je Eli: “our fastest gunner/kinda mean & young, from the South“. Nash je The Duke (“our dynamiter“), Young je Young Billy, a sam Crosby je Fat Albert). Kako nijedan film ne može da prođe bez fatalne žene, tu je i “sweet little Indian girl“/Raven: nama dobro poznata Rita Coolidge. Princess

Sudeći po autobiografiji Coolidgeove, Stills je, neuspešno, probao da je smuva. Ona sama je bila zainteresovana za Nasha, koji se nećkao – tek kada su porazgovarali sa Stillsom, počeli su da žive zajedno, uz njegov blagoslov. Tako da je ono što sledi, zapravo, istinita priča. Sarcastic smile

Me and my good partners
we were riding back to our camp
we were feeling very fine
and the air was clear and slightly damp
and we were riding back to have ourselves a party
to celebrate the robbing of the train.

We were talking kind of low and lazy
about not having to go out soon again
you know we hadn’t been back home two hours
we heard a hawk cry out in the night
and you know that’s a signal from young Billy, who’s our sentry

He’s saying something here ain’t exactly right
so we quick grabbed some of our hardware
stumbled out of our home
in two minutes flat we had found her
an Indian girl all alone

and Eli said, “Let’s take her back to the cabin”
I said, “You don’t know she might be the law, yeah”
He said, smiling kind of nasty,
“It ain’t too damn likely she’ll beat me to the draw.”

As we were walking back through the darkness,
I heard the Duke, he’s our dynamiter, say,
he said, “What’s your name, sweet little Indian girl?”
She said, “Raven.” and she looked away.
Right then I didn’t trust her, no and I said so, oh no.

Now, Eli, he’s our fastest gunner
He’s kind of mean and young from the South
he said, “Fat Albert, you’re getting kind of old and weird now.”
“You’d better get your twelve gauge shot gun right out.”

Now Eli and the Duke they got down to it
they each wanted the Indian girl for their own
but when they finally got around to asking her
you know she said she’d come to take young Billy home
Eli said he’d kill young Billy
he’d kill the Duke, and probably me too, yeah

The Indian girl said, “Go ahead now do it”
I said “Stop it”, and she bit my thumb nearly clean through
and when they finally started to break down the door
I smeared my face up with blood from my thumb
I laid down on the floor and played real good possum

You know I’m crazy but I ain’t real dumb
now I’m dying here in Albuquerque
I must be the sorriest sight you ever saw
you know the reason I’m the only man here to tell it
you know that Indian girl, she wasn’t an Indian she was the law

Međuigru električnih gitara odradili su Jerry Garcia i Neil Young, tek toliko da se zna. Nerd smile

THE END Filmstrip