Misionarska poza

It’s a little retro and a bit passé
But you know you make her feel A-OK
And she feels alright, the stars are bright, the missionary position

“Klasika” će uvek biti aktuelna ma šta nam savetovali priručnici za “moderne i osvešćene žene”. Be right back

Za braću Russella i Rona Meala, poznatijima po brendu Sparks, odavno smo utvrdili da su muzička kategorija za sebe. Ovi Amerikanci, koji zvuče i izgledaju kao Englezi, više od četiri decenije nas zabavljaju na najbolji mogući način a da praktično ništa ne menjaju u svom pristupu muzici. Njihove pesme su i dalje pune neobičnih rešenja, vrcave i prepune humora, pa se nameće pitanje hoće li se ikada, s obzirom na godine (72/68), uozbiljiti?

Izgleda da neće.

Uostalom, prosudite sami.

And the acrobats, well they tend to scoff
All you know is that you can get her off
And you feel alright, the stars are bright, the missionary position

The tried and true is good enough for me and you
For me and you
The tried and true is good enough
Don’t need anymore, we don’t need anymore

A rebranding effort might just be the thing
But a name’s a name and we’re continuing
Always feeling fine, it ain’t the wine, it’s the missionary position

There are pros and cons to each different pose
But we don’t see any need to get to those
‘cause we’re feeling great, a heightened state, the missionary position

The tried and true is good enough for me and you
For me and you
The tried and true is good enough
Don’t need anymore, we don’t need anymore

You might have positions you can recommend
But I don’t know if we’ll ever get to them
‘cause we feel alright, the stars are bright, the missionary position

You might pride yourself, you’re so Avant garde
But we’re neoclassicists, I guess, at heart
Patronise all you like, we both like the missionary position
Missionary, missionary, missionary, missionary…

It’s a private matter as to frequency
But we both are smiling as you well can see
And it ain’t no joke, it ain’t baroque, it’s the missionary position

It’s a little retro and a bit passé
But you know you’ll make her feel A-OK
And she feels alright, the stars are bright, the missionary position

HippopotamusAko su nas pre par godina iznenadili vrlo uspešnom kolaboracijom sa grupom Franz Ferdinand u projektu FFS, novi album Sparksa Hippopotamus (2017), uprkos poodmaklim godinama braće Meal, samo pokazuje da su i dalje u vrhunskoj formi. I, što je najvažnije, pronašli su novu publiku: posle više decenija, album se udobno smestio među prvih 10 albuma na britanskoj listi.

Missionary Position” i odličan video koji ilustruje pesmu su crnohumorna zezancija o najpopularnijoj pozi od pamtiveka za ONO, u kojoj gledate parnerku u oči, bez potrebe za ikakvim filozofiranjem niti akrobatikom da biste to postigli.

Teoretičarke i novinarke koje svakodnevno raspravljaju po novinama o pozama i orgazmima sigurno neće biti zadovoljne ovom pesmom, ali ko ih šiša.

One, ionako, ne slušaju Sparks.

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